A Dynamic Heroicons component for next.js

mkubdev avatar
Github Accout@mkubdev
Published At2023-03-30 12:04:07

The Back Story about your Javascript Metaphor

Hi there, I'm a software engineer who's obsessed with finding ways to write less code. I've always been drawn to elegant, efficient solutions that achieve maximum results with minimal effort. I believe that the best code is the code you don't have to write, and I'm always looking for ways to streamline my workflows and eliminate unnecessary complexity. I love nothing more than finding a simple, elegant solution to a complex problem, and I'm always on the lookout for new tools and techniques that can help me write less code while still delivering top-notch results. To me, writing less code isn't just about being lazy or cutting corners - it's about being efficient, effective, and creative.

The javascript Story!

The Formula

I've created a new component called DynamicHeroicons that allows for dynamic rendering of Heroicons based on a prop value. The component imports all the Solid icons from the '@heroicons/react/24/solid' package and selects the appropriate icon based on the value of the 'icon' prop.

  • src/components/DynamicHeroicons.js
1import * as HIconsSolid from '@heroicons/react/24/solid'
3const DynamicHeroicons = (props) => {
4  const {...icons} = HIconsSolid
5  const TheIcon = icons[props.icon]
7  return (
8    <>
9      <TheIcon className="h-6 w-6 text-white" aria-hidden="true" />
10    </>
11  )
14export default DynamicHeroicons;

Here's how to use it in your code:

1import DynamicHeroicons from '@/components/DynamicHeroicons';
3 // ....
5<DynamicHeroicons icon="MagnifyingGlass" />

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

A Javascript demo/repos link


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